Portfolio Showcase

Hey, My name is Elad Ohayon

As an aspiring backend developer, I possess over three years of extensive experience in the field. My specialized skill set centers around designing and implementing highly efficient and scalable algorithms to adeptly address intricate challenges.

About Me I am a passionate and ambitious software engineer with a profound interest in Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning and its applications in Financial Technology. Throughout my journey in university, my primary objectives revolve around developing a strong foundation in cutting-edge technologies without neglecting the fundamentals; I have a strong drive for continuous self-improvement, there is always more I can learn. In my future career, I aspire to make significant contributions to the field while collaborating with like-minded peers.

Get to know me!

Greetings! I am Elad Ohayon, a dedicated student at Yeshiva University, specializing in Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning. As an aspiring Backend Developer, my primary interest is the applications of A.I in industrial sectors such as Fintech and Tech companies

I am currently situated in the dynamic North Florida/New York Area and am passionate about what I do. Please do not hesitate to reach out!


Notable Skills

OOP Principles
Unit Testing
Test-driven development (TDD)

Projects Notable Completed or In-Progress Projects

Software Screenshot

Document Search Engine (Completed)

The document search engine project focuses on developing an efficient system for storing, retrieving, and searching documents using advanced data structures and software engineering techniques.

Case Study
Software Screenshot

Tic Tac Toe (Near Completion)

A web application Tic Tac Toe game powered by Django. It has 3 different levels of difficulty and allows for player vs player or player versus A.I.

Case Study
Software Screenshot

University Projects

A collection of projects and algorithms completed as part of school assignments

Case Study

Contact Feel free to contact me using the form below